Luring your clients with an irresistable offer is just another tactic marketers use. Your client’s benefit is a long game. If you make an offer that is great for them and not profitable enough for you, you will have a financial issue. If your offer is highly profitable for you but not valuable enough for your clients, then they will stop collaborating with you eventually.
Traditional marketing, despite the rise of digital channels, remains highly relevant. It encompasses time-tested methods that can teach valuable lessons to the young digital marketing
Sales Promotion Vs Awareness, which is more important? Sales promotions drive immediate sales, while awareness ensures a lasting presence in consumers’ minds
3 Reasons Why Businesses Fail to reach a 10 year milestone. All businesses experience failure at some point, just as people make mistakes. However, being prepared for failure increases the chances of your business surviving.
From a customer perspective, trust is a mandatory objective. The reason to choose you, over anybody else. All customers, as human beings, have an urgent need to pay for a service or product that can ensure it is real, will be delivered, and does solve -even partially- a problem.
Selling a property is extremely hard, that is for numerous reasons, one of which is the high price of properties and the fact that a property is one of the most expensive -the most for many- single “things” people are purchasing...