Tag growth

ProperLilian Attracted by Shinny Objects

Attracted by shinny objects

Luring your clients with an irresistable offer is just another tactic marketers use. Your client’s benefit is a long game. If you make an offer that is great for them and not profitable enough for you, you will have a financial issue. If your offer is highly profitable for you but not valuable enough for your clients, then they will stop collaborating with you eventually.
ProperLilian Sales Promotion Vs Awareness

Sales Promotion or Awareness?

Sales Promotion Vs Awareness, which is more important? Sales promotions drive immediate sales, while awareness ensures a lasting presence in consumers’ minds
ProperLilian Why Do Businesses Fail

Why do Businesses Fail?

3 Reasons Why Businesses Fail to reach a 10 year milestone. All businesses experience failure at some point, just as people make mistakes. However, being prepared for failure increases the chances of your business surviving.
ProperLilian Blog Wealth Tree Warren Buffett article

The Warren Buffett Phenomenon

Do you really want to be like Warren Buffett? Warren Buffett is a super successful investor and businessman, age 93. He is majorly known for his investing strategies and his dozens of pieces of advice to those who want to…

ProperLilian blog overchoice

The paradox of choice – Choice Overload

When Choice Overload is Demotivating What do your clients do when they have too many options or what we now know as Overchoice? According to the Jam Study conducted by psychologists Sheena Iyengar and Mark Lepper from Columbia and Stanford…

ProperLilian Blog what is advertising

What is Advertising?

What does advertising practically do? It enhances your communication, and it brings your products and services before consumer eyes. It does not make anything better; it just creates the opportunity for a client to pick you and your products If…

ProperLilian Entrepreneur Starting the Day

About Growth

The growth of a successful business has very little to do with how profitable it is at any given time. Sure, eventually everybody wants to make more money in their business, and making money is the result of being successful but that is not why we do what we do.